Sunday, May 20, 2012

On Broken Homes

Believe me I have tried
And the gems of their eyes
But reflect fired-up,
Sparkling stars
Deflected by the grayness of your stare
From the cold pillow
Your head once lain.
The calming sea of their embrace
Waving in on afternoons.
Pushed by the sands
Of your shadow
Dancing on floors
Once beaming
Once where light strikes
The water of their lips
Bringing back the sting
Of the No’s you lashed
On the walls.
Quiet oglers of lies
Protruding from every hump
And thump of lips and hips
Hitting, paining, stretching
The heat
To unbearable disgust.
Believe me. I have tried.
To lighten the weary wonderlands
Of my mind only to end up
Fallen head first
To murky streams of consciousness
You once shared
On open palms
Like open buds
Trimmed off its roots
Believe me. I have tried.

10:22 am