Sunday, September 26, 2010

And I Write Him Poems

Yes I write him poems
Poems of devotion, of melancholy
Of heartaches, of furtive desires
Of dreams seemingly out of reach
There are also poems woven out of tears
As well as verses of collaged laughter
For years I have written him poems
Some carved out of anxiety
Others are company in sleepless evenings
There are also lines drawn
From the first morning breath
And stanzas pulled out from raindrops
Strong as steel
There are also words crafted
From the pyre of anger and malice
And from some stranger’s smile
While traversing a street
Yes I wrote him poems
Quickly whipped while cooking
At times tediously designed
There are also those
Derived from his name,
His burning passion
For life, freedom, spontaneity, illegitimacy
Yes I write him poems
Poems to breathe life
Or kill boredom
To put boulders in the feeling
Of lightheaded-ness
To spawn peace
Most of the time to summon an end
An end as elusive as the fittest utterance

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bad Break Up Remedies

This year’s forecast for people born in the year of the rabbit indicated misfortune in love but real good luck in career. Confident of my nearly four-year relationship, I was unaffected. A few days later, though, lightning seemed to have eyed my indifference and got furious. I caught my lover cheating. Betrayed and completely hurt, I ended the relationship. Four years of commitment went down the drain. I was devastated. Remembering the still unfulfilled part of the forecast, however, I struggled to cope. With the right equipment and abundant manpower, I was successful.

While many may think that recovery from the said type of misery may consume ample time, money, and effort, the truth is that the right tools for the job are readily available and are actually very cheap. In fact, most of them are free.

1. Music
Many studies have confirmed the therapeutic powers of music. It can move the heart and at times even affect the motion of the brain waves. Sound also affects a person’s mood and can create the perfect ambience for a given situation. In the case of break ups, music can bring about that need to cry or to get the attention diverted to something else. At times, music can make people realize what needed to be understood. Undeniably, music can help keep heal a broken heart.

2. Books
Indeed, books before boys because these books will never leave your side unlike them boys. In fact, when those boys start to walk out of your life you can easily grab the thick paperback you left to collect dust on your nightstand. Vivid words that can get your imagination working will divert your attention from the pain. It will take you places and give more meat for your brain. Trust me. Being brainy is NOT un-cool.

3. The mall
Thinking of the mall does not mean quiet depressive time. Actually window shopping is enough to get your thoughts moving from being the girl left for another to being the girl who finally has the freedom to wear that extravagant pair of red shoes on the rack. No one is stopping you now. All moolah is yours alone and every ka-ching means time and money well spent on yourself, which is justly deserved.

4. Work
For the first time, or perhaps second after your very first day in the office, you will love your work. Break ups mean no quiet stagnant moment. It can only bring back pangs in that slowly becoming peaceful heart. Thus, staying busy is necessary to get you moving forward. Never skip work no matter how lazy or gloomy you feel. Sulking should only be done on weekends and with friends. Also, broken hearts are no excuse to stop working, unless of course you are some heiress.

5. Friends
No matter how cliché it is, your friends are your best weapons against a bad break up. They will stay with you when anxiety strikes and sleep becomes elusive. They will buy you that food you love because you do not eat as much as the usual. Most importantly, they will find you new dates to get you started on the hunt again. Friends, like your books will remain to the very end of days.