Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Swine Flu and Sensationalism

A H1N1 or swine flu is a disease that was said to have come from flu viruses of pigs. It evolved into such form that can be transmitted to humans, making it a threat to humanity. In the beginning, the whole world was alarmed by this illness. Like the foot and mouth disease, which caused a worldwide tremor, A H1N1 also shook TV watchers, newspaper fans, and radio patrons for several reasons. First, because it began in the center of the world's power, United States of America. Second, it killed numerous people in Mexico. And third, because there had not been any known cure for the disease. Due to these, the media had all the excuse to sensationalize the story. In the Philippines, signs that the constant nagging of the media about the disease is taking its toll on the people.

Paranoia and the Masks
Children going to school, old people riding trains, security guards in malls and other crowded place, what do they all have in common? Masks. All of them wear masks, even the nannies who accompany the children to school wear masks. Of course, there is nothing wrong in being cautious. However, people should note that this is not helping at all. In fact, rather than decrease the anxiety of the people, it only results to more paranoia, and the more a person becomes paranoid, the more is the tendency to panic and do things that are not very wise. This will only bring more danger to society. Furthermore, citizens should listen to what the secretary said, the ones who are healthy are not the ones who should wear masks. It is the obligation of those who are infected to cover their mouths in order to prevent transference of the virus to other people. As such, rather than wearing masks, which may cause great panic, people should just stock up on vitamins, supplements, and nutritious foods. For those who are weak in the lung and heart area, of course, part of the precaution includes wearing masks, but for the healthy ones, please help your countrymen get a good night sleep.

The Media and the Message
Other than the people who wear masks as they roam around the metro, the media should also contribute in the effort of decreasing panic in the country. it is of common knowledge that the media is a strong force that is capable of driving people nuts. As such, rather than spread fear it should serve as a source of facts and not yellow journalism. It should not contribute on the increasing rate of fear. It should tell the people three main things.
First, Mexico, which was the first country to be hit by the illness was not prepared during the attack. This resulted to numerous victims of the illness. However, it does not mean that the virus is extremely fatal. It just so happened that the Mexicans became the front-liners of the war. To have numerous fatality is thus inevitable.
Second, America is not in a panic as much as the Filipinos are. This should be noted as America is the first to be stricken by the disease and yet the level of fear is not as much. Citizens should be reminded that as the world's greatest country, this may also mean that there is a cure being created for the illness.
Third, although the cure for the disease remains unknown, it must be kept in mind that prevention is better than cure. Thus, as advised earlier, people are better of stocking on vitamins that will keep them healthy as the disease is only fatal if the patient has some heart and lung complication. The disease worsens a pre-existing disease. Ergo, if a healthy person is struck by the illness, There is nothing to worry, recovery may be expected.

These three are the information that media should be spreading. Rather than an updated tally of cases or deaths, it is better to hear positive facts than heartbreaking ones. to others this may sound as disguising the ugly truth, but in reality there is nothing that may be solved if everyone will be driven to fear. It should be remembered that sensationalism, although sometimes helps, is not completely advisable. In sensitive predicaments such as the one at hand, it is still best to stick to facts...

The Most Awaited and the Great Disappointment

I strongly agree if someone will say that I am not in authority to speak about what I am going to tackle in this entry. However, as this is my private account and I am the lord of lords in this webpage, I dare say, with a great liking of the courage of my conviction, that the second installment of Transformers by Director Michael Bay and Producer Steven Spielberg is a disappointment. I am not saying that the entire film was not good. There were of course good parts with Optimus bravely going against three decepticons at the same time and the hot Megan Fox is something guys will never forget. However, I found that in trying to create a very interesting storyline, the film became quite draggy and there are boring scenes although not entirely irrelevant.

The Title:
The title of this installment of transformers and the story may be said as something that does not quite tally. The title indicated "The Rise of the Fallen". Initially a person may think that the fallen pertains to the decepticons who were defeated in the very first transformers live action film. However, after seeing transformers part 2, it will be found that "The Fallen" is actually only a character in the film. (I shall not be elaborating on this character as it may become a spoiler to others) Given this, I have expected that somehow the film will evolve on this robot's great scheme to take revenge. It turned out, he had only about ten minutes of the entire movie. As such, in order to keep myself from completely becoming disappointed, I went back to my initial thought that "the fallen" pertained to those who gradually went back to do some counterattacks including Optimus (see film for details). With this, at least one may justify the title of this installment.

The Story
I have nothing against the screenplay I presumed the film has. In fact, I liked the idea that the transformers were already part of human history ever since the dawn of time. I also liked the idea that man is involved in the long battle of the decepticons and the autobots but then this is where the movie got a little draggy. Yes, Optimus was right in saying "I am afraid it soon will be" when Sam said that the on-going war is not related to humanity. The humans have been the central focus of the movie. As such, most scenes featured Sam, Megan Fox and her hotness, the weird member of sector 7 from the first presentation, Sam's parents, and Sam's new found friend. This was what disappointed me most as I have expected a lot of fight scenes or transformation scenes of the "transformers". I was excited to see shots like the one in the first movie where Megatron and Optimus jumped at each other, but there were more of bombs falling on Sam and Mikaela and the like. I have nothing against putting humans as the lead characters but I was really looking forward for a fun day with numerous transformation by Optimus. Unfortunately. He was out of the picture for almost half of the film. He came back for about three minutes then the movie was over. Even bumblebee was only exposed a few times. It was really saddening.

The Sound Effects
This is the main reason why I still watch movies in moviehouses. I like the surround sound especially during fight scenes. in the case of the transformers, i like hearing the sound that they create when they transform. I did not hear it much during the entire film. I know this may be too much and people will not actually check those kinds of details anymore but I am one who does and I am sad for not hearing it. Being a fan of transformers ever since childhood, the sound other than the appearance of the robots is one of those things that tie the live action movie and the cartoons, which i grew up watching. It is to me essential in creating the atmosphere that was created in my mind as a child. As it was almost lacking in the movie, it decreased my enthusiasm with the idea that the creators were actually able to bring into life my childhood cartoon show.

The Scenes and Graphics
I have nothing against the graphics of the film. It was the best as expected. However, what disturbed me is that the scenes are all too common. There is nothing memorable in the movements of the autobots neither did the decepticons. I was really expecting something more and this is what really caused my great disappointment. i came to the moviehouse excited. I had fun for a while, afterwards there is nothing more but the haunting feeling that the long wait resulted to something very forgettable.

I believe I have more to say but it all boils down to my great disappointment to a movie I have waited for a long time. Although there are scenes with which I had fun, there are longer periods of anticipation. Perhaps it is just me and my patience, which is not that long or the fact that I can not get over feeling that I still find something lacking. Hopefully, whatever that is, it will be included in the third installment that i presume will be shown soon (check for clues in the film)....

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The extent of man's mind

With the numerous TV series dealing with crimes and murder, it may be said that people are already aware of how much a man can lose himself, go on a rampage, and brutally take another person's life. However, skeptics may say that those are merely TV shows, they are fictional characters and every detail in the scene is make believe. Until it happens in real life, there is no way that man should be declared as the worst destructive creature on earth.

Then this,, a footage of a steel crate being taken out of the water after two years of being mystery. but it is no ordinary steel crate, it houses another steel container, the unfortunate vehicle of the dead body of a woman, a mother, a daughter, a sister, and a wife. She was strangled to death, put in the drum, cemented to prevent the smell from seeping out, put in a steel crate and cemented again. It is almost like a tomb set under the sea, only that her family will never find out where her tomb is. they can never see it, and they can never know about her death. the horrors of man's psyche.

Perhaps for murderers, the way in which the woman's dead body was disposed of is ingenious, but to most people it's simply monstrous, the workings of a total psychopath. in this, it may be seen how horrifying the capacity of the human brain is, the magnificence of the scheming talents. although, it is monstrous, it may not be ignored that what the murderer thought of as a means of disposing his victim is impeccable. this tells that although man is weak physically as compared to other animals in the world, there is no knowledge on how much they can actually exceed their said limits. the issue here is not the crime but the means that were utilized to enact it.

how far can a man actually go in hiding their crimes. to what extent can they go in order to hide a deep dark secret. the killing of a woman is already scary, but what is more scary is the way the body is disposed of.

Monday, June 15, 2009


This is the end of this chapter of my work life. I shall be furnishing a copy of my resignation letter in a while. Of course, I'll still need to submit it in order to completely skyrocket myself from this hell hole. Hopefully, this launch will take me to a new planet full of promise and not some sort of black hole. It's kind of sad that I am writing a blog containing something that is of an end of a part of my life when this is the first in this account. rather than talk of a fine beginning, I chose to write how things may end. In order to neutralize it, I am declaring that I am entering a new chapter. As such, this is not really an end but the start of a new rope to hold on to. I find that this rope I am letting go of is burning my palms so I have to let go. I cannot wait for everything else to burn. I am now holding tightly to a new rope. The end of this is vague but it doesn't really matter. nothing is clear in this lifetime. Everything is a risk..