Sunday, February 12, 2012

In Silence is Speech

Why? why? why?
we ride the van in silence.
it is not that our tongues are slit in two
nor are they pumped up tires
the color of stoplights putting us to a halt.
It is not that our hands speak
louder than our mouths could.

It is the day. It is the sun.
Its brightness stinging our eyes.
lightening up your brown irises
putting gleams to my black.
It is the trees with their leaves
rustling like cracks of laughter in mid air.
No. it is the car’s engine roaring of anger
and discourses tensed.

or perhaps it is the silence
speaking all the words
too profound and true
we can’t afford to interrupt.

In silence we find the beauty
of words. In silence
we learn to speak.


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