Wednesday, April 24, 2013


We have long been gone,
Like footsteps on asphalt
Washed by rain
Dried by sun.
All that remains
Are ashes from the
Half-burned candles
& abandoned
rotten fruits.


Love fades
In the shadow
Of the red light

Monday, April 22, 2013

Beginning of a Short Story

He would always tell me i have lovely fingers. I never believed it, although I felt my heart leaping from its quiet seat.

He was generous with praises and a gracious audience to my mad self...

Friday, April 19, 2013

Our Paradox

We are exponentially potent
This way. Constantly distant
Consistently lost. Made aware
Of each's existence
In an endless dance
Of absence

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


He went cycling
Miles and miles
Days and weeks
Leaving but wheel tracks on dirt
Oh earth

She watched him
Wheel away
To where the wind blows
She kept her eyes ajar
Stopping tears aflowing
Oh tears

He went cycling
Miles and miles
As she feins no weeping
Days and nights
Oh sad

The tracks soon faded
And her lids exhausted
But before tears afall
She heard his call
Oh heart

Her heart sang
As the the tracks
Get traced
There he is saying
"I forgot my kiss"